In your independent pharmacy, you expect your software system to do a few things: record patient information, provide important insights, and equip you with the right tools to ensure the best possible care for patients.

This probably includes features for dispensing, medication management, insurance billing, and reimbursement.

Depending on the system, it may include extra bells and whistles — like IVR, automation, and integrated messaging.

However, even with all the features your software offers, you still expect it to be affordable.

It's no surprise that finances are a major deciding factor for pharmacists considering a new software system, and it’s something you should consider as well.

Luckily, your software system is one place you can save.

By asking the right questions, getting the right information, and taking the right steps, you can select a software system that meets all your needs without breaking the bank.

Here are 5 ways that you can save on your new pharmacy software:

1. Get Multiple Quotes

When you're out shopping — whether it’s for groceries, clothing, or the latest gadgets — you probably compare prices to ensure you're getting the best deal.

The same strategy should apply when you're looking for a new pharmacy software system.

Instead of settling for the first option you come across, contact multiple vendors and request quotes from each of them.

Quotes can vary based on your pharmacy's size, the services you offer, and the specific features you need in your system. 

Because prices can vary so widely, start your search early and get quotes from a variety of vendors. This can help you find the best fit for your budget.

2. Ask About Integrations

Many software systems integrate with other products and services, giving you even more features than a standalone software.

Popular integrations include automation, inventory management, and insurance claims processing.

Some of these integrations come with a fee, but some vendors offer them at no extra cost or at a reduced rate, which can increase your savings.

With that being said, make sure you find out which integrations are available and at what cost. 

In addition, don’t just focus on the base price of your pharmacy software — but the price with added integrations.

This will help you get a better understanding of the total cost.

3. Watch a Demo

Demos let you see a software system in action and help you figure out if it's a good fit for your pharmacy.

Besides giving you a closer look, demos also give you a chance to discuss finances with a sales representative.

You can ask your pressing payment questions during the demo — like how the software is priced and what payment plans are available.

Your sales rep may even be able to give you a personalized quote at the end of the demo.

Finally, you can get a feel for the quality of customer service offered by the vendor.

Learn more by reading our blog, What to Look for During a Pharmacy Software Demo.

4. Ask About Discounts

Vendors might offer special discounts or seasonal promotions when the time comes to buy your software.

You won't know unless you ask, though, so don't hesitate to start the conversation to get the best possible price.

During your conversation with the sales rep, ask about any current deals or upcoming promotions that might not be advertised.

You can also ask about flexible pricing or find out if any additional perks might be attached to your purchase.

A good sales rep will help you feel confident about your purchase and will be willing to work with you to make it happen.

5. Invest in Your Software

At the end of the day, your pharmacy software system is an investment.

Some vendors may offer lower prices and better promotions, but ultimately, you have to make the decision and commit to the purchase.

A software system isn’t just another expense for your pharmacy; it’s an investment in the future of your business.

It's the most crucial tool in your practice, ensuring all your operations run smoothly.

Oftentimes, you get what you pay for; so a lower price may not always be better. That's why it may be worth it to spend a little extra and get a high-quality system.

The time and effort saved with a reliable system make the initial cost worthwhile.


Just like any other piece of equipment in your pharmacy, your software system comes with initial and ongoing costs.

By taking these steps, though, you can find a quality vendor, pick an innovative system, and minimize your out-of-pocket expenses in the long run.

When shopping for a new software system, you can save money without compromising on quality.

When you save more, you can do more — leading to better outcomes for your pharmacy and your patients.