If a pharmacy delivers exceptional service and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

Operating an independent pharmacy means you’re also running a small business.
Marketing and advertising are both hallmarks of keeping your business afloat. In essence, you must deliver the goods while also ensuring everyone knows about it.
Pharmacy advertisement can be a tightrope act, but it’s necessary to master. Your independent pharmacy won’t be the talk of the town if no one has heard of it. Here are some pharmacy advertisement methods that’ll elevate your business to the next level.
1. Understand Your Community’s Demographics
85% of American adults use a smartphone, according to Statista. Furthermore, 74% own a computer and 52% own a tablet.
The vast majority of Americans are connected to the web in some shape or form. This is essential to pharmacy advertisement. You want to market where the most eyes are.
Effective pharmacy advertisement currently resides in the digital realm, just like many of the services it should provide.
There are many online resources you can use to maximize your pharmacy’s presence, from your website to your social media platforms. It’s only a matter of making the most of those resources.
2. Make Your Products Digital-Friendly

We all know about pharmacy mobile apps and their effectiveness. They provide convenience for both patients and pharmacists. Go beyond the traditional concept of a pharmacy app by letting customers purchase OTC items through the app.
Retail chains are embracing mobile orders more than ever, so offering a service like this to your app will only benefit your small business.
Having a more comprehensive mobile app will give customers a better idea of what your pharmacy offers. That added familiarity and convenience work to create a bigger, more loyal customer base.
Though this isn’t a direct method of pharmacy advertisement, it can be one if you let your customers know about it. It’ll drive towards better reviews and surveys, making your pharmacy stand out from the pact.
3. Push Reviews and Surveys
Sometimes you need to let your customers do the talking.
Customer surveys aren’t just a way to let you know how well you’re running your pharmacy but are also an invaluable method of pharmacy advertisement. All you have to do is provide quality care for your patients, ask them to fill out a survey or Google review, and the rest will take care of itself. It’s a cost-free method of pharmacy advertisement — just make you’re doing your part.
Check out our “How to Boost Your Pharmacy’s Review Scores” blog for more information on how review scores can boost your pharmacy’s status in the community.
4. Embrace the Power of Social Media

Let’s go back to those stats by Statista. People spend an inordinate amount of time on their phones and surfing the web. A vital element of pharmacy advertisement is to go wherever the party is going. It’s social media in this case.
Social media is a tried-and-true way of strengthening your presence in the digital world. However, you can’t just post a picture and expect incredible results. There are algorithms to follow and keywords to learn about — a method to the online madness.
Each social media outlet has its own quirks and charms, so take the time to really know how they work. See what other popular pages are posting and when they’re posting.
That’s right: the literal time of day helps determine the success of your posts. Study those posts and promote your socials throughout the store: put signs up and have your pharmacy’s social media handles printed on the packaging. It’s a small gesture, but it reminds your patients of your pharmacy’s online presence.
5. Have a Newsletter
Newsletters are another great tool to boost your pharmacy’s business. They also allow you to be a little more creative when promoting your independent pharmacy. They let you further promote your social media posts and highlight aspects of your pharmacy that deserves some love.
Don’t be afraid to be creative with your newsletter: share your most popular posts but fill the newsletter with high-quality images and graphics. Don’t let your pharmacy be an eyesore for your patients. Visual aesthetics are very important in the industry, especially in the online realm.
This form of pharmacy advertisement is a bit more personalized and focuses on your patients rather than potential ones. It’s still an effective way to establish a community feel, which is essential for an independent pharmacist. It strengthens the relationship between the patient and the pharmacist.
6. Be Part of the Community

You’re running an independent pharmacy, an indelible part of the community. The best way to be a pillar of your community is to get involved.
Going to community events is a great way to establish your pharmacy in the community. These are your main demographics, after all — the very patients you’re to whom you’re delivering exceptional healthcare services.
Whether it’s holiday events, local festivals, events at schools or libraries, or even fun runs, have your independent pharmacy be front and center (whenever possible).
You can even hold events at your pharmacy. Have holiday-centric events and back-to-school promotions so more people come in. This is also a great way to promote vaccines and even get new customers. All in all, getting involved in your community is what being an independent pharmacist is all about.
7. Invest in Google Ads

Beyond online reviews and social media, Google Ads is one of the most effective forms of modern pharmacy advertising.
Geotargeting ads is an extremely effective feature in Google Ads, letting you specifically market to your community however you want. Remember, there’s always someone on their phone, so someone is bound to stumble upon your ads.
You can select which locations you’d want to advertise in so you’re not just working with a board canvas. Work smarter, not harder when using this type of pharmacy advertisement.

Marketing your independent pharmacy is essential in ensuring its success. You can’t do your community much good if they’ve never heard of your pharmacy in the first place.
As with starting clinical services or expanding your vaccine inventory, these methods of pharmacy advertisement require a sizable financial investment. Be that as it may, it will be in service to growing your business’s exposure and reputation to the community.
You have to spend money to make money, and mastering the art of pharmacy advertisement will ensure your independent pharmacy’s success in the long run.